More Than Words on Paper

Journaling isn't just about recording thoughts.
It's an evidence-based practice proven to enhance mental health.

Curious about the science behind it?
Tap each card below to read more:

Emotional Outlet

Jotting down feelings can help you process emotions, making bad days a bit more bearable.

Stress Reduction

Studies have shown that writing out your worries can decrease anxiety levels.

Better Memory

When you write things down, you're more likely to remember them. It's like giving your brain an extra backup!

Boost Creativity

Freewriting (writing without overthinking) can unlock creative thoughts you didn't know you had.

Goal Setting

Journaling can be a map for your dreams, helping you set and track personal goals.

Improved Problem Solving

Writing out problems can help you see solutions more clearly, like a puzzle coming together.

Mindfulness Boost

Reflecting on the present moment while journaling can increase mindfulness, helping you appreciate the now.

Enhanced Self-awareness

Regular journaling can lead to better understanding of your feelings, thoughts, and behaviors.

Sleep Aid

Spending a few minutes jotting down thoughts before bed can help clear your mind, leading to better sleep.

Remember, there's no "right" way to journal. Find a method that feels right for you, and watch the benefits roll in!

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Validated by Top Minds


Research from Yale shows that gratitude journaling can shift your focus from negatives to positives, leading to an overall improvement in mental health. It's your personal dose of sunshine, all within our app. 

University of Cambridge

Research published by Cambridge has uncovered some impactful benefits to journaling. Just 15 minutes of navigating your thoughts daily can make the difference. With the right digital tool in hand, you can navigate job loss faster, reduce sick days, and substantially lift your mood.

University of Chicago

Researchers at the University of Chicago found that writing about anxiety can unlock positive benefits, such as performing better on an exam you're stressed about. Think of journalling as a handy tool to reach for when you're feeling anxious.

Harvard University

Researchers at Harvard found that journaling can ramp up learning from daily work experiences by 25%, fostering self-efficacy. It's about believing in your ability to achieve, leading to improved performance and resilience. 

illustration of better sleep

Psychologists have found that writing a quick 5-minute rundown of tomorrow’s tasks before bedtime can alleviate stress and ensure better sleep quality. With our app, you're not just writing a list, you're scripting a better night's sleep. 


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It's more than journaling, it's a proven path to a better you.

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